How to Avoid Water Damage in Your Home

Water damage can cause a lot of headaches, and the repairs are usually costly and time-consuming. When it happens, there’s not much you can do but assess the situation, call professionals to help you out, and hope the damage is manageable and not too overwhelming. Still, it is always good to be more prepared for potential leaks or breaks due to bad weather. 

I wanted to learn more about what precautions to take to prevent water from causing damage to my home according to Risk Free Serv. Here are some of the tips I picked up.

Check Your Roof

Climbing up on your roof every now and then will surely pay off, as you will be able to discover if some shingles are missing or if there’s any wear and tear. The roof is the first line of defense against various elements and it requires regular maintenance and cleaning to be able to provide the intended purpose.

The gutter can easily get clogged and before you know it, the water that was supposed to flow from your roof down to the street now ends up staying on the roof and working its way to the foundation of the house, the walls, or the attic. Water will always find an alternative route and end up somewhere unwanted unless you secure a safe passage through the gutters that can nest debris, leaves, or even branches. 

Make sure that the water is properly directed down to the street as further away from your or your neighbors’ homes. If you don’t feel confident enough to go up to the roof, you can always hire a professional to perform a thorough check, find all issues, and resolve them with speed and precision.

Appliance Maintenance

Appliances that use water like a washing machine or a dishwasher. You should also check your kitchen sink and toilet periodically to make sure there aren’t any smaller leaks. Regular maintenance is vital for any home appliance, and before you refer to a professional to have a look, you can always inspect the condition of hoses that connect the appliance to the wall outlet.

These are expendable, and, if you are lucky, you might get up to 10 years of service. If there aren’t any major issues with the appliance these occasional replacements will suffice.

Watch Out For the Freeze

Frozen pipes can cause a lot of problems. After being frozen they can burst when put back in action and cause damage within your home. This is why securing a warm enough temperature in every room where the pipes go through will ensure safe use during the cold parts of the year.

Don’t forget hoses that reside on the outside. Before the winter starts, make sure you’ve drained them and sealed them off. Since you won’t be using water in your backyard when temperatures hit low, it is better to remove any remains of water from the hoses and shut off the vent.

Never Ignore Leaks

Leaks can be small and annoying, almost invisible except the annoying dripping sound you hear at night when everything quiets down. Either way, these small leaks won’t go away themselves and the faster you react the less risk of water damage. If you notice puddles of water in your kitchen, around the sink or fridge you should call someone to inspect. 

These leaks can both damage the structure of your home but also waste money over time. The best thing you can do is call a professional to help you with any issue you might encounter. Water is sneaky, and the moment you notice something’s off, call a plumber.

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